Brown Township Central Ohio Greenways Visioning Study

Brown Township successfully applied for MORPC Technical Assistance to engage in a Central Ohio Greenways Vision Refinement Study. The goal of the study is to determine the alignment of an east-west trail connecting Prairie Oaks Metro Parks to the City of Hilliard’s municipal park system. This connection would also interconnect two regionally significant trails: the Darby Creek and Hellbranch Trails. A 2021 township survey of nearly 100 households revealed that over 80% supported this east-west trail connection, citing the benefits it would have to the community’s collective value, health, and capacity for outdoor recreation. In response, the township has been critically assessing all opportunities, with the eventual goal of creating an Implementation Plan to transform the trail concept to reality.

This study has included an analysis of existing conditions in the township and an exploratory workshop with key regional stakeholders, including Franklin County Engineer’s Office, the City of Hilliard, Metro Parks, and the Big Darby Accord Advisory Panel. Next, different potential alternatives will be analyzed to compare the relative benefits of all the opportunities available to the township.

A key next step of this study will be hearing from and engaging with the Brown Township community. To that end, a public open house is planned for Thursday, July 20th at 6:30pm in the Brown Township Hall. This open house will be an opportunity for members of the public to hear an update on the study and planning process thus far, lend critical input and feedback on options identified to this point, and voice community concerns and desires regarding trails, access to trails, and connections to local parks.

Please reach out to Joe Martin at (Brown Township) or Jordan Petrov at (MORPC) with any comments or questions.

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